Faith Driven Financial Planning

Faith Driven Financial Planning is led by me, David Sandhu, CSRIC®, CRCP®,

I love helping Christians understand the true purpose of their money, and become better stewards of the wealth God has given them.

After spending over a decade as a rocket scientist, the unexpected happened, my father passed away. Being the money nerd of the family, I walked my mom through the same financial planning process I take my clients through today, all from a biblical worldview. I feel called to help others implement a biblical financial plan, and help Christians understand how to honor God with their wealth, through Biblically Responsible Investing.

I am a Fiduciary Financial Advisor, Chartered Retirement Planning Counselor™ and Kingdom Advisor. As a Kingdom Advisor, my focus is on advising Christian clients to align their Christian faith with their finances.

As a virtual advisory firm, I have the distinct honor of serving Christians clients across the country.

Click here to connect with me on LinkedIn

Watch the Faith Driven Financial Planning Channel on Youtube

Read my feature in Yahoo Finance on finding and working with a Christian Financial Advisor

Ready to align your faith values with your finances?